“In February 1990,
18-year-old Craig White
gets into a truck with his
cousin Jesse Watkins and
is never seen again.
The case goes cold,
but after 17 years police
suddenly arrest Jesse for
Craig's murder.
Chris and Fatima investigate.”

In Whitesboro, New Jersey,
Fatima and Chris meet Lana
(Jesse’s sister) and Gale
(Jesse’s Cousin).
They said the real Jesse was
a sportsman, a hunter, and
a fisherman. They also said
Jesse was a showman, a
storyteller, an entertainer.

Jesse’s family said there
wasn’t any evidence.
Police had no weapon,
no body, no blood, no nothing.
The family isn’t even convinced
there was a murder, they think
Craig just might have left
(because he had some charges
he was running from).
They didn’t even buy the motive,
police said it was done in a
murderous rage. Craig had an
affair with Jesse’s girlfriend
Dawn. According to the family,
there were 3 non-credible
witnesses who said that Jesse
was bragging about committing
the murder, each one of them
had an ax to grind. The witnesses
were his brother Donald
(who was kicked out of his house),
the mother of his 2 children,
and an ex-girlfriend.

Fatima and Chris split up
the investigation.
Chris looks into the police
work, while Fatima focuses
on the legal issues.

Fatima goes to talk to Jesse’s
brother Donald (a minister)
who promised to finally come
clean and tell the entire truth.
Donald said he basically raised
Jesse. He agrees with the family
that Jesse is a liar and a bragger,
sometimes he doesn’t even know
when he’s telling the truth.
Donald talked about how his
addiction problems and Jesse
wanting more help with the bills
caused a rift between them.
After Jesse kicked him out of
the house, Donald called the police
and said he was afraid Jesse was
going to do him like he did Craig.
When Donald testified, he said
what he perceived what Jesse told
him and was he believed he said
was two different things.
He didn’t know if he said Craig,
Greg, or Red. Donald regrets
calling the police on his brother
Jesse, and he has a problem with
Jesse being convicted without the
weapon or body.
He doesn’t believe he did it.
It weighs heavily on Donald
knowing he if he never called
the police, Jesse wouldn’t
have gone to jail.

Chris checks out Lana’s claim
that there was no evidence.
Chris goes to the field where a
witness said Jesse told her the
body was supposedly buried.
Daniel Slachta, a radar technician,
uses a device (similar to what
archeologist use) called ground
penetrating radar to scan the
ground to see if anything’s there.
Daniel did not find the body or
anything in that field.

Fatima follows up on Gale’s lead
that Jesse had no reason to kill Craig.
She goes to talk to Jesse’s other
brother George who hung out
with Jesse and Craig. George said
Jesse was a liar but not a murderer.
He said there was no arguing or
tension between Craig and Jesse
before Craig disappeared.

Silva goes to see a woman who
claims to have seen Craig a few
days after his “murder” and tried
to tell the cops. Jennifer work at
a convenience store where Craig
shopped daily. She said Craig
seemed to be a great dad for an
18-year-old, he almost always
had his kid with him. Jennifer
said Craig came into the store a
few days after the police said he
disappeared, they chatted for a
few minutes, he bought an apple
juice and left. She said she didn’t
noticed anything unusual about
him that day.

Lana and Gale are convinced
Craig is alive and living under
an alias, so Chris goes to see
if there were any bodies matching
Craig’s description around the
time of his disappearance.
Using the National Missing and
Unidentified Persons System,
NAMUS’s director Todd Matthews
enters Craig’s information and
date of disappearance. There are 10
unidentified young men’s bodies
currently in NAMUS fitting his
description found during that time.
It would help if the family had dental
recorders or any DNA.

Fatima and Chris come together
to compare notes. Chris says,
“We don’t have a body.
We don’t have a weapon.
We have no evidence.”
Fatima thought it was far-fetched
when Gale and Lana said Craig
could still be alive, but then she
met Jennifer who claims she saw
him a few days after his disappearance.
Fatima says she’s going to speak
with one of Craig’s best friends,
and Chris says he’ll speak with Jesse.
Fatima says, “Be careful, I hear he
can convince a lot of people of some
crazy stories.” Chris replies,
“I can guarantee you he won’t convince me.”

Fatima says if Jesse did do it,
he could have gotten away with
it if he didn’t open his mouth.
Chris agrees, “I think he literally
talked himself into prison.”

Chris says if Jesse tries to talk
his stories, he will call him out
on it. Jesse said he was a father
figure to Craig, they were
extremely close. He said that
Craig wasn’t living a good lifestyle
(street pharmacist), and he was doing
what he can to get him away from that.
Jesse said when he proposed to Dawn,
she wouldn’t take the ring.
She said she and Craig slept together,
Jesse said it hurt him to his core.
Dawn and Craig both apologize,
and all three of them supposedly
got over it. Jesse said afterwards
they still when on trips to California
together and did things.
Chris was confused about Jesse
still taking trips with Craig and
continuing a relationship with Dawn.
He last saw Craig on the 23rd,
and everything was cool.
Chris asked, “You know you
basically talked yourself into
prison, right?” Jesse claims that
he never told anyone he killed Craig.

Fatima goes to talk to Craig’s best friend,
Guy Bethune. Guy said he and Craig
were like brothers. He said Craig had
a minor drug charge pending,
but he doesn’t believe this was
staged to keep Craig from going to jail.
Craig loved his son too much.
He said Jesse was an outdoorsman,
a hunter, a protector, and he was
dangerous. He said if anyone messed
with them, Jesse would beat them
down. Guy said when Craig slept
with Dawn, he wasn’t even a grown
man… “kids make mistakes”.
He said Jesse found out about
Craig and Dawn when they were
in California. He heard Jesse hit
Craig a couple times. He was scared.
Guy believes Jesse had unfinished
business with Craig. Guy last saw
Craig with Jesse, and he told him to
stay away from him… “IF we got
to pop him, we got to pop him.”
Craig was supposed to meet Guy
the next day, but his cousin said he
left with Jesse. He said Jesse would
have had to have a gun or
something, because he wouldn’t
have gone. He never saw his friend
again. Guy believes Jesse killed Craig.
Fatima asks, “If you could go back,
would you do things differently?”
Guy replies, “Yeah. I would have
shot Jesse. I would have shot him.”

Chris and Fatima meet with Gale
and Lana to discuss the results
of their investigation.
Chris agrees that there was no
weapon, evidence, or body.
He said he brought in an expert
to check out the field the body
was supposedly buried, it wasn’t
there. He mentioned he had an
expert us NAMUS to search for
unidentified bodies fitting Craigs
description found around the time
of his disappearance, and they
found 10 possible matches.
Fatima reminds them that it
does not necessarily mean
Jesse is innocent.

Fatima brings up how Craig
last seen on February 23, 1990.
Prosecutors believe that’s the
day that Jesse lured Craig into
his truck and then killed him,
but a few witnesses saw Craig
several days later. She talks
about how Jennifer saw Craig
a few days after he “disappeared”,
but she may have been confused
about the date. Fatima said the
witnesses that testified against
Jesse were not credible.
She reached out to the mother
of Jesse’s children and his
ex-girlfriend, but neither would
talk to her. Fatima talked about
how Donald now believes Jesse
is innocent and feels sorry he
ever called the cops.

As an investigator, Chris looks
towards the collaboration
between witnesses. “If Donald
was the only person that was
saying Jesse confessed, I could
probably write it off. But I’ve
never seen three people, all of
‘em family members, lie about
something like this.”

Chris brings up their claim
that the prosecution made up
the motive, but Chris believes
Jesse is still hung up on his girl.
Chris said, “But this doesn’t
mean he’s a murderer, but he
did love his girlfriend and he
loved Craig, and when the two
betrayed him...well, I’ve seen
people kill for much less than that.”

Fatima says she spoke to Craig’s
best friend Guy. She said,
“According to Guy, Jesse was
furious about the betrayal, so
furious that they were scared,
he and Craig. They even armed
themselves. Guy said he was
prepared to pop Jesse if it came
to that. Guy says that Jesse could
get violent when it came to being
disrespected. And when Guy found
out that Craig was missing, his
gut feeling was that it was Jesse.”
As far as motives go, he had it.
That lead wasn’t much help.
Fatima spoke to a lot of people
who feared Jesse, they used
words like “bully” and “dangerous”.

Chris said that three people close
to Jesse say he confessed, and he
definitely had a strong motive,
but I also want to understand why
you keep fighting. There is no real
evidence, no body. If I were on this
case, it would have been a very
close call on whether or not we
should prosecute.”

Fatima adds, “And as an attorney,
I find it very difficult to believe the
prosecution got a conviction in this case.
There was reasonable doubt.
Unfortunately, that’s not going to
help you. What’s going to help you
is getting new evidence.
That’s what’s going to get you
a new trial, and the best you can
do is try to track down Craig, dead or alive.”

Although, Chris and Fatima are not entirely
convinced Jesse is innocent,
hey are convinced that the truth has not
fully come out. To help the family get
some answers, they’re going to hire
one of the nation’s leading experts in
locating missing persons. He find Craig,
dead or alive.

Chris says, “But I just wanna caution
you guys to be prepared, because the
answers that you get from this
investigation may not be what you
were hoping for. Even though Jesse
is loyal to you, even though he’s
always made you laugh, even
though he was the life of the party,
he also lied time after time after time.
And when he tells you that he absolutely
had nothing to do with Craig’s
disappearance, I’m not thoroughly
convinced that that’s not one of his
all tales, too.”

Lana and Gale are grateful and hopeful.

Thank you for reading.
Please share and join us next week
for another episode.

If you’d like to watch or rewatch this
episode, go to ID Go app or Investigation Discovery.

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