Lynne has spent nearly 30 years
fighting for her cousin Virginia.
She said the timeline doesn’t work,
Virginia didn’t have enough time
to kill her father and step-mother.
Lynne said Virginia was at a friend’s
house when a neighbor heard
the gunshots. There was also a string of
robberies that night, she believes her
aunt and uncle’s place was one of them.
A neighbor saw a man with a gun but
didn’t call the police. She said other
people had motive, because JD was
involved in stolen goods. Lynne claims
Virginia didn’t have a motive.
Virginia got 2 checks from her
step-mother that night, which she
cashed the next day. I agree with
Lynne about Virginia’s being
worth more alive.
(If my parents wrote me checks
like that, I”d probably visit more, kidding.)
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Chris and Fatima begin the investigation
by dividing the leads. Chris focuses on
the police work. Fatima looks into
the legal issues.
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Fatima goes to speak with Virginia’s
friend Linda about that night.
Linda says Virginia was a little
boy crazy. Linda said Virginia was
with two guys that night and wasn’t
acting any different than usual.
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Lynne said Virginia didn’t have
enough time to drive everywhere
to commit the murders, so Chris
gets in the car to check out that timeline.
Chris made it in plenty of time, so it stands.

Fatima investigates Lynne’s claim
that many people had motives to
kill JD. She speaks to an anonymous
local about JD’s stolen goods ring.
He said JD had a lot of enemies.
There were threats against his wife
Marilyn, the bar was robbed, and a
lot of them were into drugs.
He believes these things got them killed.
He says Virginia was a troublesome,
fun-loving, party girl, but doesn’t
believe she was the type of person to
kill her parents.
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Fatima speaks to a bank teller named
Cathy about a memorable experience
with JD shortly before he died.
JD went to the bank in April just
before the murders. He said,
“My name is JD Wells. I want this
bank to know in case anything happens
to me that there’s gonna be a large
deposit made to my daughter’s
account within the next few days.”
Cathy said he was nervous.
Chris investigates Lynn’s lead that
Virginia’s parents may have been
killed by a gang of robbers. Chris
talks to Jim Walker, a retired police
sergeant, who interviewed the suspects.
There were claims that gunshots were
heard near one of the murders and
one of the robbers. The robbery suspect
had information, that wasn’t in the
newspapers that was
pertinent to the murder investigation.
It was in Sgt Walker’s and his partner’s
report that was never followed up on.
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Fatima and Chris meet for the debrief
to compare notes. Chris tells Fatima
that his test run proves Virginia did
have enough time to commit the murders.
Fatima discusses her talk with Linda.
Fatima said she couldn’t see how
Virginia could have commited the
murders and then seem “somewhat
disheveled, nervous, paranoid.”
Chris replies, “In my experience
it would take a very jaded and
demented person, but yes,
there are people that can do that.”
Fatima says she’s going to talk
to a handwriting expert to see if
the checks were forged or written
under duress. Chris plans on talking
to Virginia himself. Since he’s twice
her size, he doesn’t want to appear
intimidating. (I don’t know, Chris.
I’m 5’4, I think the most you could
give me is a cramped neck.)
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For the first time, Chris confronts
the convict about the case.
Virginia said things with JD were
estranged off and on, because of
personal issues. Virginia got married
at 18 to get out of the house and had 2 sons.
She got a divorce because of her infidelity
and her inability to handle money.
Virginia admits to being a compulsive
gambler. She claims JD told Marilyn
to write her 2 checks to help with her
car and bills.
Virginia leaves her sons with her live-in
lover and runs into a couple of other lovers,
one of them was with a friend and asked
if she wanted to party. Then she went to a
park and had sex with both of them.
(I want to know how this chic gets all
these guys.) Virginia said that she was
too ashamed to tell the police.
She had gone back home, her live-lover
said her friend Linda was looking for her.
So she went to Linda’s. They drove around
for an hour to an hour and a half.
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(She couldn't have done the crime because she was "busy".)
The following day, she took one
of the checks to pay for her car and
the other to the bank. Virginia claims
to be shocked when she heard of her
parents’ murder. Virginia says people
grieve differently, and she can’t be
boo-hooing. She said she thinks the
police came straight to her because
she didn’t tell them the full alibi.
Chris says it’s a huge coincidence
that she was at the crime scene hours
before the murder, getting checks,
and her only alibi is she was out
partying with friends. Virginia tried
to commit suicide the day she was
sentenced. Virginia says, “I won’t
for a second say I’m an angel or I’m
a good person. I know I’m not. Okay?
But I’m not a murderer. I’m not a murder.”
Image result for i'm no angel
Fatima takes the checks to Dianne
Peterson, a handwriting Analyst,
to see if they were written out of
fear or duress. Dianne says
handwriting is more reliable than a
polygraph and is used in court.
Fatima shows her the two checks in
question and a previous one that we
know she had written. Dianne said
Marilyn, in her opinion, did author
all three checks.
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Chris and Fatima meet with Lynne
to discuss the results of their
investigation.. As for JD operating
in stolen merchandise, Fatima talks
about the anonymous local and
some please reports about threats
made against JD and Marilyn.
She said the police didn’t take it
seriously, so that lead’s a bust.
Chris talked about his conversation
with the cop about the robberies that
night, but the suspect denied being at
JD’s house. Although the report did
state the suspects new about the murders
before the word got out. Chris also said
he tested Lynne’s timeline theory,
but there was still time for Virginia
to commit the murder. Plus, there was
no proof Virginia went home first.
Fatima brings up how Lynne believes
Virginia didn’t have motive to kill JD
and Marilyn and talks about her
conversation with the bank teller.
Fatima mentioned that Lynne may
not think Virginia had motive,
but the fact she had such money
problems certainly does look like
desperation. Fatima said she and
Chris agree that there was a sloppy
investigation done. Chris doesn’t
think Virginia could have commited
the murders alone.
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Chris says, “As a homicide investigator,
I don’t believe in coincidences that
actually point to guilt, and this case
has a lot of coincidences. Virginia puts
herself at the scene. And, in fact, she’s
the last person that we know of that’s
actually saw her mother and father
alive that night. It’s been nearly 30 years,
and she can’t come up with one solid
witness that saw her that night and
can say that she wasn’t at the crime
scene. That’s coincidence.
The morning after the murders,
she’s suddenly flush with cash.
She has $4,400 to pay for her car and
she has enough money to pay off her
other debts. That’s a major coincidence.
And here’s the capper--the gun that was
used to kill her parents belonged to
Virginia’s ex-husband. He had reported
it stolen just a few weeks earlier.
That’s a really big coincidence.”
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Fatima adds, “And speaking of
coincidences, those checks that
Virginia cashed the day after the
murders, I actually took those to
the handwriting expert.
She’s almost positive these checks
were all written by the same individual--
Marilyn Wells. But the handwriting
expert says that they do show some
signs of stress.”
(Personally, I think something’s
messed up if you misspell your own name.)
Chris talks about his visit with Viginia,
and he doesn’t believe she’s passionate
about her own defense. He thinks she
even believes some of the things she
was telling him. Chris says Virginia
may just be going through the motions
of defending herself just for Lynne.
Chris advices Lynne to just go and
talk to Virginia, because there’s more
than she’s letting on. Chris said,
“I’m sorry we couldn’t give you
better news, but sometimes we just can’t.”
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Thank you for reading.
Please share and join us next
week for another episode.
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  1. Are you kidding me? Virginia isnt guilty!!! Are you blind? No! You are just Same part of shits In this corrupt system!!!!!!!! Be shame!!!!!

  2. No professionals but liers!!!!


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