High Stakes Homicide

"Pest control worker Kim Cain was convicted of murdering a 71-year-old Palm Beach socialite. The prosecution argued she found Cain stealing her jewelry to support a gambling addiction. Cain's family is hoping Chris and Fatima can prove his innocence." (Investigation Discovery)

Cain’s ex-wife and their daughter pleaded for Fatima’s and Chris’ help. They said the timeline was off. There was no way he could have been at his first job that day, drive to the victim’s house, rob and murder her, then drive to his second job within the time they say. Also, they said his palm print that was found on the shower ledge where the victim was found had to have been from when he was there six months prior for a pest control job. 

Fatima asked a good question, “Would a print last that long?” chris answered, “I’ve seen a print that has lasted 20-30 years.” My question, “If that is his print from six months ago, how often are they cleaning their shower? (I wouldn’t want to use a shower that hasn’t been cleaned in six months)”

Cain’s daughter also mentioned there were other unknown prints, an unknown shoe print, and unknown tire mark throughout the house and property. Plus autopsy found an African American hair inside her underwear, but she wasn’t sexually assaulted. They also believed their only witness wasn’t a credible one. Cain was painted as a gambler, who was so far into debt, he resorted to murder. They don’t believe Cain killed Geraldine Pucillo. 

This is when Chris and Fatima divide up the research. Fatima covers all of the legal issues, while Chris goes through the police work.

Fatima questioned if Cain’s gambling was a hobby or a habit. She went to his best friend to get his point of view. Vickers saw Cain as a brother. His father owned the pest control company Cain worked for, as far as he know Cain was a good worker without complaints. Vickers also believed Cain was a good family man and shouldn’t be in prison.

Chris puts the family’s timeline theory to the test, and he drives the same route during rush hour to see if Cain could have gone from his first job to the crime scene then to his second job during the timeline. His family doesn’t believe can could have done all that in 90 minutes, Chris drove it in 88 minutes.

Family said the police department botched the investigation. Chris says, “So I reached out to the police department, and they didn’t want to talk to me.” Chris decided to talk to a forensic expert and discuss the family’s concerns one-by-one. He said there was a lot of activity in that area, so the shoe print and tire mark doesn’t necessarily mean they came from the murderer. As for the African American hair found in Pucillo’s clothing, it was not followed up by the police. He said it was possible the body bag was previously used...EWWWW!!! The forensics expert can understand how the family feels emotionally, but he doesn’t believe the investigation was botched.

Fatima checks out if the palm print could have been from the murder or from six months prior as the family states, she spoke to a fingerprint expert to find out. He said a person can touch something, grasp something, and hold something without leaving anything. “A fingerprint is actually 98% perspiration.” He said it would be possible to the palm print to remain on the shower ledge if the bathroom was never used.

Fatima and Chris come together to compare notes. Chris says, “Real life investigations are not like what you see on television. Look, I’ve worked a lot of homicide cases and there are no perfect crime scene investigations.” 

Chris goes to talk to Cain. Cain obviously loves his family, and he basically saw the track as a time killer. He claims he never did anything illegal to obtain money for gambling. Cain says that wasn’t his palm print on the shower ledge, he claims the police framed him. Cain said his gambling was no big deal, but he pawned stuff from his house to get money to gamble. He started to say that he did not have access to Pucillo’s bracelet, then he corrected himself saying he did take it to the pawn shop to have it appraised. He said the prosecutor's star witness owed him some money, he pulled the bracelet out of his pocket, and gave it to Cain. Cain also told Chris that it was not Pucillo’s bracelet that he got appraised. Cain still insists he did not murder Geraldine Pucillo. 

Fatima speaks with the jury foreman from the case, he hasn’t spoken to anyone about the case since then. He said the palm print was significant in his verdict. The juror didn’t trust the star witness but believed he was credible by all accounts. He said they were able to hold and look at the bracelet and compare it to photos. He believes that was the same bracelet. It was too unique to be a different bracelet. The juror said all of the jurors went back over the evidence, and he still believes after 21 years that he made the right verdict. 
Chris and Fatima return to tell the family their findings. Chris explains how he drove the route the family claimed was undoable in the timeline given, and he did it with two minutes to spare. Fatima talks about what the juror told her. Chris said he doesn’t believe in coincidences in homicide investigations. He also discusses what he learned from the forensic specialist. Fatima mentions the motive and how Cain admitted to pawning things from the house for gambling money. Chris shows a video of his interview with Cain to the family. Fatima says, “That does not make him the killer, but you asked us to come here and tell you the truth. And so, unfortunately, the lead that there was no motive in this case, at all, it’s just not gonna lead us anywhere.” 

Chris: “I grew up in a house of addiction. So I know exactly what you went through as a child. And I saw what my mother went through what you’ve gone through as a wife.”

Fatima talks about the palm print. Cain’s daughter believed the maid lied about the bathroom being deep cleaned every other week. Fatima says, “We wish with all of our hearts that we could give you better news today. We truly want to help families like yours, but, sometimes, the only way we can help is to honestly just give you the hard truth. And, unfortunately, Chris and I agree: none of these leads with help free Kim.” 

Chris: “Now, Keri (daughter), I just want to talk to you for a moment. See, I’ve talked to A LOT, of hardened criminals, A LOT, and your father is not that, but, in my opinion, he’s a man who had an illness and that illness led him to do things that we would have NEVER thought he would do. Now, your dad, will probably spend the rest of his days in prison, and I know that is a HARD pill for YOU to swallow, but, when I talked to him and your name came up, his eyes lit up and, for that moment, just for that moment, he was free, So that’s the best bit of advice that I can give to you. You’ve got to allow yourself to be free. And it doesn’t change the relationship between your father and you. It won’t. But I can guarantee you, he will live a much better life, knowing that you’re happier and knowing that you’re not suffering through this. You’ve accepted the fact that he’s there in prison.”

Cain’s daughter was appreciative for Fatima and chris’s help, but she still believes that he will someday be free again. The show ends with Fatima giving the daughter a much needed hug.

Chris and Fatima, you guys left me crying at the end of this episode. (grabbing tissue)

Please join us next week for another episode.

If you’d like to watch or rewatch this episode, go to ID Go app or Investigation Discovery. 

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  1. I've watched this show since its inception (it's a shame there are no message boards for it) and I don't think I've ever seen a convicted person as unsettling or smug as Kim Cain. Everything Chris said to him, he clapped back with a smirky "That wasn't my print.", "The evidence must have been mishandled", "The police conspired to frame me", etc. even in the face of incontrovertible evidence. There's not a doubt in my mind that he killed Geraldine Pucillo and, as much as he clearly loves his daughter, I don't get the impression that he thinks he really did anything wrong to be in prison in the first place. He probably has truly convinced himself that the police deliberately set him up to take the fall.

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  3. He pleaded guilty to stealing other jewelry from another's woman's house after the murder trial. The other woman was also his client and this happen 11 days before Pacillo's murder.


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